29. Final Review

Final Review


  • Training set: Set of data that your ML or DL model uses to learn its parameters, usually 80% of your entire dataset
  • Validation set: Set of data that the algorithm developer uses to establish whether or not their algorithm is learning the correct features and parameters
  • Gold standard: The method that detects your disease with the highest sensitivity and accuracy.
  • Ground truth: A label used to compare against your algorithm's output and establish its performance
  • Silver standard: A method to create a ground truth that takes into account several different label sources
  • Image augmentation: The process of altering training data slightly to expand the training dataset
  • Fine-tuning: The process of using an existing algorithm's architecture and weights created for a different task, and re-training them for a new task
  • Batch size: The number of images used at a time to train an algorithm
  • Epoch: A single run of sending the entire set of training data through an algorithm
  • Learning rate: The speed at which your optimizer function moves towards a minimum by updating algorithm weights through back-propagation
  • Overfitting: A phenomenon that happens when an algorithm specifically learns features of a training dataset that do not generalize beyond that specific dataset